Metro Council Rundown (6/4/24)


  • Rule 13 (Deferred) changes filing deadlines for legislation and rules of procedure, deferred to the first meeting in July.


  • RS2024-460 (Indefinite Deferral) grant contract between the Metro and Celebrate Nashville to provide cultural event management services, Styles pointedly explained that there were communication issues. 
  • RS2024-474 (Deferred) grant to replace a parking lot with a new downtown fire and emergency services operations center, deferred because they need more time for discussions.
  • RS2024-482 (Deferred) adopting a new pay plan for the general employees of the Metropolitan Government excluding employees of the Board of Health, Education, and the Police and Fire Departments, deferred by rule to track with the budget bill.
  • RS2024-483 (Deferred) adopting a new pay plan for employees of the Metropolitan Departments of Police and Fire, deferred by rule to track with the budget bill.
  • RS2024-484 (Deferred) adopting a new pay plan for employees of the Metropolitan Board of Health, deferred by rule to track with the budget bill.
  • RS2024-486 (Withdrawn) approving a sole source contract between the Metro and UTJ Holdco, Inc., dba Teaching Strategies, LLC, for research-based, birth through kindergarten educational assessment software.
  • RS2024-491 (Passed) changing the proposed uses of certain American Rescue Plan Funds appropriated to Fisk University.
  • RS2024-492 (Passed) authorizing Metro Law to settle with Daniel Singh in the amount of $200,000 to avoid an operating deficit and minimize further cost accumulation for fees and expenses in connection with litigation and investigations.
  • RS2024-498 (Deferred) appropriating $140,000 from the Metro for strategic advising to key Nashville partners and stakeholders - including law enforcement, service providers, and community leaders - to implement NNSC's Group Violence Intervention, deferred to get more information for clarification.


  • BL2024-394 (Withdrawn) authorizing the purchase of properties for a new elementary school in Antioch, withdrawn for further negotiation.


  • BL2024-343 (Deferred)Metropolitan Code of Laws regarding the membership of the Metropolitan Nashville Arts Commission and the process for approving the criteria for awarding funds, deferred for two meetings.
  • BL2024-344 (Deferred) Metropolitan Code regarding the selection of members to the Nashville Music, Film, & Entertainment Commission, deferred for two meetings.
  • BL2024-373 (Passed) The Budget Ordinance of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee for Fiscal Year 2025.
  • BL2024-374 (Passed) establishing the tax levy in the General Services District for the fiscal year 2024-2025.
  • BL2024-375 (Deferred) "Build It Right" bill regarding workplace safety and audits of Metro construction agreement, deferred for one meeting to work on the legislation
  • BL2024-376 (Passed) creating the officer, 311 call center, helicopter mechanic, and other safety positions


  • BL2024-356 (Passed) adopt the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map to minimize dangers to life and property, due to flooding, and to maintain eligibility for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program