NEST Bill Status

Here is the status of all nine bills originally proposed in the NEST package. The descriptions are the ones provided on Councilmember Quin Evans Segall’s website that has since been taken down. 

***Withdrawn and deferred bills may resurface in the council this spring***

  1. RS2024-234: (PASSED) Pattern Book Resolution
    This resolution requests the Metro Planning Department to create pattern books to reduce overhead costs in housing creation and production.
  2. BL2024-182: (PASSED) Routine Building Codes Updates
    This bill updates confusing, antiquated and unnecessary building codes to make them consistent with current needs.
  3. BL2024-184: (PASSED) Routine Zoning Codes Updates
    This bill clarifies the terms for DADU, multifamily, single family,  and multistory; provides daycares can be built in all commercial and mixed use zones; and updates industrial zone use.
  4. BL2024-183: (WITHDRAWN) Building Codes for 3 and 4 Unit Homes
    This bill provides that 1-hour firewalls and residential sprinklers can be used for small scale 3 and 4 unit buildings.
  5.  BL2024-187: (PASSED) Residential Use in Non-Residential Zones
    This bill provides that residential uses are allowed in all commercial districts.
  6. BL2024-181: (WITHDRAWN) Single Stair Legislation
    This bill provides certain safety requirements for buildings up to six stories that rely on a single ingress/egress staircases.
  7. BL2024-188: (DEFERRED INDEFINITELY) Multifamily Lot Sizes
    This bill removes minimum lot sizes for residential multifamily zones.
  8. BL2024-185: (WITHDRAWN) 3 and 4 Unit Housing Zoning
    This bill provides that 3 and 4 unit homes are allowed in the USD subject to neighborhood-friendly design standards.
  9. BL2024-186: (WITHDRAWN) Duplex Clarifying Legislation
    This bill clarifies the circumstances where and how duplexes are allowed.