One-on-one with Rep. Andy Ogles

If elected, what will your number one legislative priority be and why?

Having had the privilege to serve the great people of Tennessee's 5th Congressional District for the last year and a half, one of my top priorities has been stopping the flood of illicit fentanyl and securing the Southern Border. We've reached unprecedented levels of illegal immigration during Biden's administration, and the detrimental impacts felt across the country are unsustainable—every town has become a border town. Deaths from fentanyl overdose are now the leading cause of death in individuals aged 18-45. This is a shocking statistic, and it cannot continue.

I've been proud to sponsor legislation aimed at directly addressing this problem, such as the Send Them Back Act, which would make all illegal aliens who have entered the United States since January 20, 2021, eligible for expedited removal from the country. Additionally, I was a vocal advocate for H.R.2 and voted in favor of its passage. H.R.2 is the most comprehensive border and immigration solution proposed in decades. It was passed in the House last year, but Senate Democrats have been sitting on it since then, refusing to take action.

Are you willing to support former President Donald Trump during his campaign to retake the White House? If elected, which of his policy platforms are you looking forward to supporting him on?

I am the Trump-endorsed candidate. In fact, I was one of the very first public officials to receive President Trump's endorsement this cycle. Additionally, I have wholeheartedly endorsed and supported President Donald Trump during his campaign to retake the White House. I sat with President Trump in the New York courtroom and watched how they persecuted him. President Trump has sacrificed everything to fight to Make America Great Again. The entirety of our DOJ has been weaponized against him, and he has literally just taken a bullet for his country. His devotion and dedication to making this country great again is unparalleled.

Some of the obvious reasons to support President Trump include his uncanny ability to understand factors that will revitalize our economy. Tennesseans are fed up with Biden-flation. It is becoming more and more difficult each day to purchase necessities. Under President Trump, we had one of the most prosperous economies this country has seen in decades. Additionally, with the potential to replace a few Supreme Court Justices over the next four years, it is absolutely crucial we have someone like President Trump overseeing that appointment process. We've seen how the Supreme Court has been weaponized against conservatives over the past few decades to circumvent the normal legislative process and enact societal change through nine unelected individuals. President Trump will ensure that strong, textualist justices are placed in those seats, thereby maintaining the proper checks and balances within our federal government.

Finally, I'm thrilled at the prospect of President Trump returning to office to tackle the issue of excessive federal regulations. During his first term, Trump spearheaded a groundbreaking initiative to slash red tape, boost economic growth, and ease the regulatory burden on American businesses. This effort, formalized through Executive Order 13771, introduced the innovative "two-for-one" policy, mandating that federal agencies eliminate two existing regulations for each new one they proposed. The results were remarkable. The Trump administration didn't just meet their target – they shattered it, reportedly eliminating 8.5 regulations for every new rule introduced. This deregulation drive was part of a larger strategy to streamline various economic sectors, with the aim of cutting regulatory costs by approximately $50 billion. The long-term impact was projected to be even more significant, with estimated savings of $220 billion once all major deregulation actions were fully implemented.

Do you think the federal government has too much influence over state and local policies? If so, how do you plan to combat federal overreach? If not, what steps will you take to ensure that the needs of Tennesseans are better represented in federal policy?

Absolutely, the federal government has too much influence over state and local policies. Moreover, it enacts its burdensome overreach in ways the average citizen usually doesn't see. Regulatory overreach from unelected bureaucratic agencies is one of the worst perversions of government power ever created.

Please see the answer above for information on how a Trump Administration would address some of these problems.

While serving on the House Financial Services Committee, I've made it my mission to tackle the size of federal government and push it back whenever and wherever possible. I've taken tremendous steps to submit legislation aimed at reducing the regulatory power within the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and even targeting Janet Yellen herself. Unelected government entities like the CFPB, EPA, and ATF wield significant regulatory power without direct accountability to voters, which undermines democratic principles and leads to massive regulatory overreach. This concentration of power can violate the balance intended by the Constitution, blurring the lines between legislative, executive, and judicial functions.

During your first term, both the executive branch and the Senate were controlled by the Democrats. You’ve brought forward 100 pieces of legislation over the past two years. Some of these bills have been more performative than practical. What are your plans to help get future legislation over the finish line if you are re-elected?

I am the most legislatively productive freshman in decades, and it's not just bills introduced. My team and I have worked hard to balance meaningful legislation with meaningful messaging. I have had 49 legislative items pass the U.S. House of Representatives, and 3 of those items have passed the Senate and been signed into law. I've worked within the minimal majority in the House to accomplish these legislative wins. Moreover, I've worked with my colleagues across the aisle several times to draft legislation that proposes solutions in a bipartisan manner.

In fact, one of my amendments that was signed into law was the result of a bipartisan letter I sent with Democrat Congressman Jared Moskowitz (FL-23) to the House Appropriations Committee to prohibit the use of federal funds to delist the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. The IRGC is guilty of injuring and killing thousands of Americans and continues to provide material support to the Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other terrorist entities.

My staff and I will always work tirelessly to ensure we put forward the best pieces of legislation possible aimed at improving our country and Tennessee, and we will never stop pushing to ensure these efforts bear fruit, whether within a minimal Republican majority or even under a Democrat-controlled majority.