No. 181: Smoking is Good For You, Actually

Good morning, everyone.

Below, we cover last night's Metro Council meeting, peer at Tennessee's robust electrical grid, look at what would happen if the trucks stopped running, explore a case of recent Woke-ism, and wonder aloud — with the help of a study — if the decline in smoking has done more harm than good.

In other news, Jerod Hollyfield reviews Steven Spielberg's recent remake of West Side Story.

You can follow us on Twitter (@realpamphleteer), LinkedIn (@realpamphleteer), or Instagram (@realpamphleteer) for additional content.

Thanks for reading.


From the floor last night we heard a quick synopsis of some of the concerns the council has regarding the Governor’s State of the State address. The main focus was on education funding. Governor Lee stated that he will propose $1 billion dollars in new, recurring education funding for public schools in Tennessee. The money is expected to be doled out based on the new funding formula. The council’s main concern was that the funding formula won’t kick in until 2024 and they are uncertain how the new funds will be allocated before then. Here at The Pamphleteer, we will be following up on this along with the rest of the Governor’s proposed initiatives as things continue to unfold.


  • Once we made it through some housekeeping and easy resolutions, zoning issues became the first of 3 spicy debates. BL2021-1037 & 1038, a zoning bill concerning a narrow roadway in 12 South, was the first hot button topic and attracted multiple constituents to the floor. After hearing public arguments for and against, the bills passed.
  • A dispute over RS2022-1365 regarding an upgrade and restock of MNPD tasers turned into a heated discussion where multiple council members seized the moment to talk about the recent use of lethal force on a man involved in a standoff on I-65. A few members made the claim that tasers are still a potentially lethal use of force and that they shouldn’t just sign off on everything the MNPD wants. Others countered that if they want MNPD to use non-lethal force, it is best to update their outdated tasers. The resolution ended up passing.
  • Joy Styles brought forward a late filed resolution designed to add an implicit bias training program that will be required of all Metro employees to take in person. This, apparently, had to do with findings of discrimination within the Metro Arts. The resolution passed.
“It’s late-filed because I wanted to make a statement…” - Joy Styles
Yes, we know.


The final reading of BL2021-961 regarding License Plate Readers (LPRs) led to a lengthy and heated debate on the floor. Ironically, after all the hoopla about tasers, some of the arguments revolved around the fact that it is necessary to equip the MNPD with updated technology to be able to properly do their job. In most districts where council members were arguing in support of LPRS, there were major concerns about the uptick in violent crime and drag racing. Council members who were opposed to the technology relayed that their constituents were opposed to the technology. Multiple council members mentioned being approached by coalitions who have come forward against LPRs, the main concern being that the technology will likely be used to convict minorities disproportionately.

After hearing from several council members on the floor, the bill passed on third reading. Chief Drake and Mayor Cooper have both come out in support of this bill and it is expected to get signed by the Mayor with no delay.

Worth noting: All LPRs in Metro are required to be marked and this program is only a 6 month pilot to see if MNPD and Metro consider their addition useful. The equipment will likely be put in place by March.


In keeping with Bill Lee's pledge at his State of the State address to move Tennessee towards energy independence by building more nuclear power plants, here's where we stand right now:

  • TVA's Watts Bar 2 is the nation's first new nuclear power reactor to enter service in the 21st century.
  • Tennessee's two nuclear power plants provided 47% of in-state electricity in 2020.
  • Tennessee's one petroleum refinery, located in Memphis, can process about 180,000 barrels of crude oil per calendar day —  about 1% of U.S. total refining capacity.
  • In 2020, the amount of electricity generated annually in Tennessee by natural gas exceeded coal-fired generation for the first time. Natural gas accounted for 20% of the state's net generation and coal's share was 18%.
  • Tennessee is the third-largest hydroelectric power producer east of the Rocky Mountains, after New York and Alabama. Hydroelectric power contributed 13% of the state’s generation in 2020.

If one honestly commits to carbon neutrality, then nuclear power is an integral component of a healthy grid. That Tennessee leaders understand this puts us way ahead of states like California that continue to shut down nuclear reactors at the behest of a bunch of old hippies with childish views on conservation.

Tennessee State Energy Profile
US Energy Information Administration, View Online




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As the Freedom Convoy in Canada holds the line and self-avowed socialists and left-wingers reveal their real disdain for the working class, it's worth considering what would happen if the trucks stopped completely.

The trucking industry hauled 72.5% of all freight transported in the United States in 2019, equating to 11.84 billion tons. The trucking industry was a $791.7 billion industry in that same year, representing 80.4% of the nation’s freight bill.

Within a day of trucks ceasing operation gas stations would run out of fuel, medical supplies and food shortages would develop, and the mail would stop. Within a week, garbage would begin to pile up on the streets and car traffic would dwindle to a halt as fuel supplies ran thin. After a month, the nation's clean water supply would disappear, and everyone from the Joneses up to the Rockefellers would have to boil water before drinking it.

In short, truckers are the backbone of our hyper-dependent, consumer centered culture and without them, the world would rapidly devolve back to the Stone Age.  The complex network of trucks is the only thing between us and a truly dystopian, post-industrial apocalypse. It's no wonder that there's been a strong push to "automate trucking". The political positions of truckers, if properly channeled, are stronger than nearly any other coalition. Automating them out of existence would give centralized corporations and governments more control. That the Canadian Labour Party has taken a strong position against a grassroots worker uprising says all you need to know about the real concerns of Western progressives.

Canada is the same country that tolerated church burnings and iconoclasm following a fake revelation concerning mass graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, and they've recently banned "conversion therapy" for those suffering under the debilitating effects of gender ideology run rampant. The trucker convoy that has sent little Justin Trudeau into hiding is only the latest manifestation of a government actively working against the interests of its people.


The prestigious Collegiate School in Manhattan, founded in 1628, has a couple of hero's garden worth of alumni, but that hasn't stopped it from marring itself with Woke self-loathing. A recent decision by an exploratory committee put together three years ago to "discover" and "determine" if the school's name, crest, mascot, and motto were entrenched in eurocentrism has returned with a verdict: guilty.

The 400-page report suggests:

  • Changing the school's Latin motto Nisi Dominus Frustra ("Unless God, then in vain") to the more benign and secular “Wisdom, Community, Kindness”  — in Latin
  • A modern redesign of its Dutchman mascot because it is too "eurocentric". Imagine that, a Dutchman is eurocentric?
  • Scratched the designation A.D. from the school's founding year — Latin for “Anno Domini” — arguing it was inappropriate for what is now a secular institution.

The endless "march through the institutions" we've become bored by reminds this writer of the French Revolution. Notably, the capture of the Cathedral of Notre Dame and the renaming of it to the Church of the Supreme Being by the rascally group of Jacobins at the head of the revolt.

After the restoration of the Bourbons following the fall of Napoleon, the church was given back its old name, Notre Dame. It's likely we'll see a similar phenomenon — eventually — as Woke capture reveals itself for what it really is to more and more Americans.

Source: Elite NYC private school updates logo, motto to combat racism as parents cry ‘wokeism’
NY Post, January 31st, 2022, Read Online


The below study suggests that reduced smoking accounts for 6% of the current rise in obesity. For example, the study finds that quitting smoking increases BMI by 1.06, or about 7 pounds for someone who is 5’7” tall and 180 pounds.

There is also the meme-like declaration that a decrease in tobacco sales led to an increase in suicides which really adds credence to Kurt Vonnegut's declaration that smoking is a form of "civilized suicide".

If this were a corporate publication, we'd paper the previous statements in qualifications, trigger warnings, and the like, but you're not like that, are you?

Source: Does Quitting Smoking Increase Obesity? Evidence From Accounting for Misreporting
January 2022, Read Study



View the full calendar here.


🎻 Bluegrass Night @ The American Legion Post 82, 8:30, Free, Info

🎸 Music City Playboys @ Music City Bar & Grill, 6p, Free, Info

🍸 Electric relaxation @ Bar Sovereign, 9p, Free, Info


🎸 Tedeschi Trucks Band (Feb 22, 23, 25, 26) @ The Ryman, 7p, $40+, Info for the 22nd, 23rd, 25th, and 26th

🔆 Jordan Peterson (03/22) @ The Ryman, 7:30p, $40+, Info

🎸 Buddy Guy (03/26) @ The Ryman, 7:30p, $80, Info

🐷 Primus a Farewell to Kings Tour (05/09) @ The Ryman, 7:30p, $55+, Info

‌‌🎸 Three Dog Night (02/12) @ The Ryman, 7:30, $45+, Info


Review: West Side Story
Steven Spielberg’s remake of the Hollywood classic makes a case for the big-screen experience and the enduring relevance of America’s most famous filmmaker.
Transmissions from the Ground
The SPBGMA Bluegrass Awards, National Convention, and Band Championship


An Ode to Swine
The pig’s role on a regenerative farm
WithLove Charity
We sat down with Tay Scheibe, Nashville resident and founder of WithLove Charity, to get some insight on how her organization has fared while navigating the obstacles presented by the pandemic
Tales from the ER #7
Awkward Interactions with Boomers Prompt Reflections
Film Review: Don’t Look Up
A multimillionaire Bernie Bro and his famous friends make a global warming allegory
The Death of the Home Mechanic
Environmental policy and its effects on the modern car
Around the Web

↩︎ Would you take free land in rural America? In the midst of a national housing shortage, towns on the Kansas plains are giving away free land and ultra-cheap houses. Is the offer worth it?

⊯ Does prison reduce crime? Yes, obviously Sometimes the common-sense solutions really are best

↡ Florida man: The meme and the reality The Florida Man meme selects the fringier, more anti-social elements in the state and attempts to frame the totality of Floridians as gator-toting loons.

Political Theater Highlight Reel
  1. Whoopi Goldberg says, on The View,  that “the Holocaust wasn’t about race”
  2. MSNBC host says Canada's trucker convoy is a "cult."
  3. George W. Bush gives maximum donations to Trump’s GOP foes Liz Cheney and Lisa Murkowski
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