The latest releases and special screenings hitting Music City this week. For a complete list of upcoming releases, check out our 2024 Film Guide.
Wildcat Ethan Hawke teams up with his daughter, Maya, for his take on Flannery O’Connor’s life and work in a movie as groundbreaking for the biopic as it is for Southern lit on screen. Now playing at The Belcourt.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes The monkeys are ascendant and still having that debate about what to do with all those pesky humans. It’ll be good enough for a riveting matinee, but you’ll still long for the days of rubber suits and Charlton Heston. Now playing in theaters.
Aggro Dr1ift Nashville’s semi-resident provocateur Harmony Korine offers his polarizing take on the hitman genre shot entirely through a thermal lens. Love it or hate it, this one is can’t miss. Now playing at Tbe Belcourt.
Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg Scarlett Johansson lends her voice to this visually inventive doc about the legendary muse for The Rolling Stones. Playing as part of The Belcourt’s Music City Mondays with a Tuesday encore.
Mildred Pierce and Mommie Dearest Nothing says Mother’s Day quite like a Joan Crawford tribute that includes the diva’s iconic role as the ultimate stage mama and the cult classic that finds Faye Dunaway playing the screen legend in all her wire-hanger-hating glory. Now playing at The Belcourt.
The Old Oak Ken Loach, the late sometimes great British socialist crumudeon devoted his final film to the relationship between a Syrian immigrant and the bleeding heart pub worker who fights for her rights. Now playing at The Belcourt.
Poolman Chris Pine makes his directorial debut as the titular stoner pool caretaker caught up in a noirish web that didn’t impress during its festival run last year. With Danny DeVito and Annette Benning. Now playing at AMC Tboroighbred 20, Regal Green Hills 16, and Regal Opry Mills 20.
The Feeling That the Time for Doing Something Has Passed The latest millennial malaise flick follows a corporate drone alternating between her soul-sapping job and some desperate BDSM relationships. Executive produced by Sean Baker (The Florida Project). Now playing at The Belcourt.
Psycho II and Anguish Norman Bates returns in a sequel that m never got the love it deserved this Friday. Then, on Saturday, a group of teens watching a movie about a serial killer get a meta taste of their own medicine in this underseen slasher. Playing as part of Belcourt Midnights.
East Bay An adrift dude coming up on middle age comes to terms with his failures in this indie comedy. Now playing at AMC Thoroughbred 20.
Not Another Church Movie Jamie Foxx plays God who is put on notice by talk show guru Hoprah Windfall (Vivica A. Fox) to find a hero who can spread the word in a religious satire about as smart as it sounds. Now playing in theaters.
The Latest in Bolly/Tolly/Kolly/Lollywood and Other Special Presentations of Asian and Middle Eastern Imports.
Srikanth (Hindi) A blind village boy becomes an industrial titan in this biopic. Now playing at Regal Hollywood 27.
Star (Tamil) A young man pursues anacting career in the Indian film industry against all odds. Now playing at Regal Hollywood 27.
Ask Filmi/Love Story (Turkish) A model falls for a film director. Now playing at Regal Hollywood 27.
Remember Me (Mandarin) After years apart, a grandmother reunites with her granddaughter and grandson and tries to re-create the family they lost long ago. Now playing at Regal Hollywood 27.