No. 243: The Final Productivity Hack
⁂ Nashville's Alt-Daily ⁂ Hacks · Budgets · Musk Money · Oil · Borrowers · Lynch · Much More!
Good morning, everyone.
Well, it's Friday, so I reckon I should give some rousing call of the "adorn yourself in linen" or "buy a convertible" variety.
I saw this video the other day where a guy was talking about treating every day the same as a way to hack your productivity. In other words, there are no "Fridays," today is simply a new day just like any other day with no special characteristics. According to this productivity guru, if you do this for every day, you'll see some increase in either your productivity or your life satisfaction.
I started calling it the "primitive tribesman" hack. You must go to sleep each night with the same anxiety as an indian might not knowing whether or not the sun will rise again in the morning. And then, when its roaring glory crests the horizon, you are to cheer in relief and run into the streets in celebration. That enthusiasm should carry over into your daily activities and propel you to great heights.
There are people who make a living telling you things like this. Just thought you should know.
Today, we take a look at the state's latest budget, gander at a series of graphs on where Musk got his money and how massive US oil production is, and watch an old David Lynch Adidas commercial.
You can follow us on Twitter (@realpamphleteer), LinkedIn (@realpamphleteer), or Instagram (@realpamphleteer) for additional content.
Thanks for reading.

The 112th Tennessee General Assembly has wrapped things up and bills and budgets have made their way to the Governor’s desk. The state legislature has wrestled through mountains of bills. Those that passed in the TN House and Senate must all await the Governor’s final approval into law. As the executive branch of the state, the Governor can pass legislation with his signature, allow it to pass without his signature (which happened with the new bill enacting residency requirements for US House of Representative candidates elected in TN), or veto a bill and let it die. Here are a few things sitting on the Governor’s desk.
The Governor proposed a 2022-23 budget with a few things the legislature did not agree on. The Tennessee House and Senate did pass a budget. Here are a few notable expenditures awaiting the Governor’s approval.
- $500M Stadium bond
- $22.9B in allocated funding
- $68M relief in non-recurring in broadband tax credit
- 30-day grocery tax break
- $111M relief in non-recurring vendor compensation, 2.8M allocated to rural farmers
- $200M for the state’s rainy day fund
- 6.4B for the Department of Education
- $1.8B for Department of Transportation
- $253M for Department of Health
- $464M for Department of Child Services
- $114M for the Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
What’s out
- $200M to move schools from flood plains
- $8M to make Juneteenth a paid holiday
Now awaiting the Governor’s signature, Lee’s proposed new education funding formula did make it through the state House and Senate and is sitting on the Governor’s desk.
The houses passed a bill that would fine those who create homeless encampments near highways. The fine is $50 or community service. Local leaders have come forward asking the Governor to veto the bill.

- Vanderbilt Poll: Nashville headed in the wrong direction ( 53% of those who took the survey said that Nashville is off track—a significant swing from last year when 59% of residents polled said they believed the city was “generally headed in the right direction.”
- Austin Peay State University contain ransomware attack ahead of finals (WSMV) The institution told students at 2:26 p.m. to disconnect from the network after a ransomware attack was detected on University software. The attack will not impact students’ access to their meal plans. Employees at the institution will also still be paid on time this week.
- Tennessee’s aging population on track to outpace available senior services (Tennessee Lookout) The projected growth in the number of Tennesseans over the age of 60 will far outpace the availability of public services designed to keep aging Tennesseans out of nursing homes.
- Council member Freddie O'Connell announces 2023 bid for Nashville mayor (Tennessean) Downtown Council member Freddie O'Connell is running for Nashville mayor in 2023. O'Connell has served District 19, the city's most populous and fastest-growing district, since 2015.
- Tennessee Legislators Send Campaign Finance Bill to Conference Committees (TCN) The bill sets forth a number of campaign finance guidelines. A portion of the bill would require nonprofit 501( c) (4), 501 ( c) (5), and 501 ( c) (6) organizations to report any expenses in excess of $5,000 within sixty days of an election if the candidate’s name or image is included. The House amendment would also require that candidates or political action committees disclose the names and addresses of any contributor who gave $1,000 or more within 10 days of an election for state or local offices. Currently, that amount is set at $5,000.
- Governor Lee Signs Bipartisan Bill Opening Door For Non-U.S. Citizens To Receive Professional Licenses In TN (TCN) The sponsors and supporters of the legislation claim that the legislation applies to individuals that are “legally within the United States, and legally authorized to work.” However, opponents argue that many that would be granted permission to receive professional licenses under this legislation actually have illegal immigration status.
- SomeraRoad Continues Its Gulch Transformation With A Pair Of New Towers (Now Next)
- New York eatery to open Wedgewood-Houston outpost (Post)
- Mixed-use tower proposed for Midtown could rise 32 floors (Post)
- Airport-area industrial building sells for $9M (Post)
- Dickerson Pike site sells for $2.1M (Post)
- Medical office building eyed for 21st Avenue (Post)
- New music venue Timberhawk Hall to open in Madison in 2023 (Main Street)


- 🇺🇦 President Biden sent Congress a $33 billion request to fund more weapons and provide longer-term economic assistance for Kyiv, as Russia’s military is gradually seizing more territory in Ukraine’s east, pushing south from the city of Izyum with the apparent aim of cutting off Ukrainian forces.
- 💵 The ascendant U.S. dollar headed for its best month in a decade, as renewed yen selling cemented the greenback’s strength against major peers.
- 🇩🇰 From the 15th of May, Denmark will no longer send out invites for people to get vaccinated against covid. People will still be able to get vaccinated, but they will have to make appointments themselves. This comes after Denmark now says the epidemic is under control and that the country is in a good position.
- 🇨🇫 The Central African Republic (CAR) has approved Bitcoin as legal tender — just the second country to do so. CAR is one of the world's poorest countries, but is rich in diamonds, gold and uranium.
- 📉 Democrats began a last-ditch effort to cobble together a narrower version of President Biden's once-sweeping economic agenda that could win the critical support of Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) and hand the party a legislative victory ahead of the fall’s elections.
- 🚫 Nearly 400 employees at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) haven’t received a COVID-19 vaccine, according to data obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times. Three hundred and eighty-two workers at the CDC are unvaccinated.

You can view our full event calendar here.
🍺 The Pamphleteer hosts Bar Hours every Thursday night at Lucky's 3 Star Bar from 6-8 PM. The first ten guests get drinks on the company tab. Join us to discuss how to shake off the sloth of the modern era and recapture the vitality that made this country great.
🎙 Hannah Juanita is playing two steppin' music every Friday in April at Bobby's Idle Hour. Great show, she packs the place.
🎪 Check out our favorite driving distance festivals this summer.
👨🏻🌾 The Pamphleteer farmer's market guide.
🎻 The Cowpokes @ Acme Feed & Seed, 12p, Free, Info
🍻 Fridays by the River @ Shelby Park, 2p, Free, Info
+ Pop up biergarten down by the river
🍀 Live Irish Music @ McNamara’s Irish Pub, 6p, Free, Info
🎸 Kelly’s Heroes @ Robert’s Western World, 6:30p, Free, Info
⚡️ Big Trouble in Little China @ Full Moon Cineplex, 7p, $8, Info
🇧🇾 Molchat Doma w/ Pompeya @ Exit/In, 8p, $59, Info
🎺 Los Lobos @ Basement East, 8p, $45-$50, Info
🎙 Megg Farrell @ Basement, 9p, Free, Info
🌱 Herb Society Plant Sale @ The Fairgrounds, 9a, Free, Info
🏎 Drag Race @ Music City Raceway, 11a, Free, Info
🍺 Bacon Eggs & Kegs @ First Horizon Park, 11a, $50, Info
🏊♂️ Dive Fest @ The Dive Motel, 11a, $25, Info
🎙 Bright Shade @ Once City, 12p, $35+, Info
👢 American Roots Hoedown Night I @ 5 Spot, 4p, Free, Info
🍀 Live Irish Music @ McNamara’s Irish Pub, 6p, Free, Info
🎙 Paul Cauthen @ Brooklyn Bowl, 6p, $30, Info
🎸 Kelly’s Heroes @ Robert’s Western World, 6:30p, Free, Info
🎻 Trampled by Turtles @ The Ryman, 7p, $40+, Info
🌌 Breaking Sound @ Analog, 7p, $20 Info
+ The opening band, Nitetides, is the band to see
🏊♂️ Dive Fest @ The Dive Motel, 11a, $25, Info
👢 American Roots Hoedown Night II @ Harmony House, 3p, Free, Info
🎅🏽 Santa's Ice Cold Pickers @ Santa's Pub, 7p, Free, No Info
⚡️ Lightning 100 Nashville Sunday Night @ 3rd & Lindsley, 8p, $15, Info
🌚 Xavier Wulf @ Exit/In, 8p, $30, Info
+ Memphis rap
🌊 The Brian Jonestown Massacre (5/5) @ Brooklyn Bowl, 8p, $25, Info
🎻 Billy Strings (5/6-8) @ The Ryman, $39.50+, 8:30, Info for 5/6, 5/7, 5/8
🐷 Primus: a Farewell to Kings tour & Battles (05/09) @ The Ryman, 7:30p, $55+, Info
🥁 Gogol Bordello (5/21) @ Brooklyn Bowl, 8p, $33, Info



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✱ Cricket Now Has A Place Among World’s Most Valuable Sports Teams Franchise values in the world’s top cricket league are surging, outpacing the growth in even the NFL and the NBA.
𐂅 Energy’s Future Is Both Cleaner and Dirtier The same forces that are driving innovation in green energy are making the production of fossil fuels more efficient.
☂︎ A Real Black Pill: The Story of Remdesivir “Old Drugs”
Political Theater Highlight Reel
- Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.): "If you wanna get rid of inflation, the only way to do it, is to undo a lot of the Trump Tax Cuts and raise rates."
- Kyrsten Sinema brags cleavage has ‘extraordinarily persuasive effect’ on ‘uptight’ GOP colleagues
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Words of Wisdom
“Patience is a conquering virtue.”
Geoffrey Chaucer
Today's newsletter is brought to you by Megan Podsiedlik (Nashville), Edward Landstreet (Local Noise), and Davis Hunt (everything else).