From the Editor: Notes for the Weekend
⁂ Nashville's Alt-Daily ⁂ Hog Wild · Bitcoin 101 · Longhouse · Airplanes · Nordstream · Much More!
Good morning, everyone.
I spent yesterday morning at an old-timey pig butchering out in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee. It's "old-timey" because they drop the pig into a big vat of boiling water to soften the skin and make it easier to scrape the hair off instead of skinning it.
There were probably a hundred people there, just standing around, watching a couple of guys go at it. A couple of them had microphones, and they'd intermittently add color commentary on what was happening throughout the process. Heard a lot of bad jokes. Ate some fresh pork sausage. Highly recommend.
Reminding you all about our Bitcoin 101 event Tuesday at American Lounge in Wedgewood-Houston. If you have questions about cryptocurrency and/or Bitcoin in particular, this will be a great time to have those questions answered directly.
We're teaming up with the folks at Bitcoin Magazine to host the event.
Hope to see you all there.

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🛖 Lomez on what the "Longhouse" was historically and how it manifests in the present:
The most important feature of the Longhouse, and why it makes such a resonant (and controversial) symbol of our current circumstances, is the ubiquitous rule of the Den Mother. More than anything, the Longhouse refers to the remarkable overcorrection of the last two generations toward social norms centering feminine needs and feminine methods for controlling, directing, and modeling behavior. Many from left, right, and center have made note of this shift. In 2010, Hanna Rosin announced The End of Men. Hillary Clinton made it a slogan of her 2016 campaign: “The future is female.” She was correct.
From What Is the Longhouse? (Read Online)
✈️ A short, interesting breakdown of what happened during a near collision between two commercial airliners at the Austin airport from James Fallows (Read Online)
🛢 Seymour Hearsh breaks down the American operation to take out the Nordstream pipeline. A contested, but well-argued piece that reminds me of the "lab leak" articles that came out in the middle of Covid. (Read Online)
🚨 A tough read from Ed West on grooming gangs in the United Kingdom and the shocking silence from the government and media in confronting the problem. (Read Online)
- From MIT Technology Review These startups hope to spray iron particles above the ocean to fight climate change (Read)
- From the New York Times A Music Award Went Gender Neutral. It Ended Up With All-Male Nominees. (Read)
- From the Daily Caller Country Music Association’s ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ Fellowship Discriminates Against White Students, Complaint Says (Read)
- From the Rolling Stone For the First Time Ever, None of the Coachella Headliners Are White (Read)
- From the Telegraph White narrators on nature programmes could stop ‘ethnic minorities’ from watching (Read)
- From New Scientist Male birth control drug is 100 per cent effective in mice (Read)

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